Ушёл из жизни Виталий Иванович Жмако, человек на протяжении долгих лет честно и преданно служивший белорусскому велоспорту. Сначала как тренер, затем как исполнительный директор Белорусской федерации велосипедного спорта, принимавший активное участие в создании велосипедного клуба «Минск» и представлявший Беларусь на международной арене в качестве делегата Европейского союза велосипедистов, и как многолетний директор Минского городского центра олимпийского резерва по велосипедным видам спорта. Несмотря на болезнь, Виталий Иванович до последнего оставался в строю, работая тренером команды по ВМХ велосипедного клуба "Минск", и продолжал участвовать в развитии велосипедного спорта страны, являясь членом исполнительного комитета БФВС.

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Minsk Cycling Club racer Adelina Sakun won a bronze medal in the omnium at the World Junior Championships in the Chinese city of Luoyang.

The Belarusian finished fifth in the scratch race. Then she was third in the tempo race and second in the elimination race. In the final event of the omnium, the points race, Adelina was close to taking second place. But with equal points (108 each), according to the results of the last finish, silver went to the Australian racer Nicole Duncan. And the world champion in this event was Kat Ferguson from Great Britain (133 points).




Minsk Cycling Club racers have climbed to the podium of the international multi-day cycling race "Friendship of the Peoples of the North Caucasus" six times.

The Russian Championship in the multi-day race, held under the name "Friendship of the Peoples of the North Caucasus", this time brought together riders from Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan. The participants covered more than 1,500 km along the roads of the North Caucasus.

The multi-day race started in Maykop. And already on the first stage, 134 km long, Minsk Cycling Club racers made it into the top 3. Mikita Tur took second place.

At the second stage in Labinsk, the leader of the Belarusian team, Yauheni Karaliok, celebrated victory. He had no equal at the finish of the 117 km distance.

On the fourth mountain stage from Cherkessk to Dombay (122 km) Karaliok again finished with medal place. The difficult route with a climb of 1300 meters did not prevent our sprinter from finishing third.

Then there were even more difficult mountain stages. So the next podium had to wait until the eighth competition day. A short and fast race in Nalchik (66 km) brought another second place to Mikita Tur.

The tenth stage in Vladikavkaz (102 km) ended with the brilliant victory of Yauheni Karaliok. And at the final thirteenth stage in Grozny (140 km), Minsk Cycling Club finisher made a hat-trick, winning the mass sprint.

In the final overall standings, the best of the Belarusians was Mikita Tur, who took ninth place.

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Belarus Championship in the multi-day race among men, better known as the Tour of Belarus, has ended in Novogrudok. For the third year in a row, the yellow jersey of the leader is held by the racer of Minsk Cycling Club Yauheni Karaliok.

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